Protect Your Knees During Workouts

Some of your favorite exercises may be more harsh on your knees than others. While you may not realize their effects, exercises that have a lot of repetitive motions or require swift movements can leave you prone to injury. The nature of such workouts can wreak havoc on the joints and the surrounding structure around your knees if you do not take the necessary safety precautions. Which exercises may be contributing to your knee pain, you may ask? They include the following:


Spin classes have gained great popularity over the past few years. With so many boutique studios putting their “spin” on these classes, many are partaking in this form of exercise. The constant peddling required by cycling provides for great cardio exercise and helps you tone your muscles. You can also add resistance to imitate riding up a hill and really build up your workout. All this repetitive motion, however, can wreak havoc on your knees and leave you susceptible to injuries if you don’t take certain safety precautions.

knee pain


You probably know many who have enrolled into a marathon or 5k this past year. Running provides for great cardio workout and helps you lose weight. Due to its repetitive nature, however, the stress of running can also be harmful on your knees. The shock absorbed by your joints can impact your knee, especially if you are a long-distance runner, run every day or run on hard surfaces. Runner’s knee is a common condition in which there is irritation where the kneecap, otherwise known as the patella, rests on the thighbone.


This probably comes with no surprise given the high-intensity nature. Jumps, lunges and deep squats can hurt the knees if they’re done in such swift motions as performed in TRX. These types of activities done repetitively and intensely can put high stress on your body and joints.

You probably like to partake in at least one of the aforementioned activities. If so, protect your knees with these tips:

Increase your workout slowly

It may be tempting to push yourself to hit high goals. In doing so, you are putting yourself at high risk for injuries. Build up your workout in increments. Ease into hill training, whether its outdoors or on an elliptical, to ease the pressure off your patella. Increase your workout by 10% every week to safely increase your workout. Ensure you have a rest day once a week so as to not overextend yourself.

Minimize the impact on your knees

Running is a very high impact activity. Your feet and knees absorb all the shock as your sneakers hit the pavement, which places a lot of stress on your joints and can eventually cause wear and tear. When you can, run on softer surfaces, such as grass or a dirt track, to ease the pressures off your body. Also, try running “softly,” a technique where you are lighter on your feet by landing midfoot and take longer strides to reduce the shock on your body. Additionally, minimize your time running downhill or uphill as it places extra stress on your knees and opt for flat surfaces instead. If you have an injury, ensure that you have properly healed before getting back out for a run. Do not push through the pain as it will cause further injury.

Stretch often

Minimize your risk of your injury by stretching before and after every workout. You want to ensure that your muscles properly warm up prior to your exercise and afterwards to reduce muscle fatigue, soreness and stiffness. Stretching can also be seen as a period of relaxation after an intense workout as you can focus on your breathing as well. Target your hamstrings and quads and hold your stretches for 30 seconds to ensure you are adequately giving your muscles enough time to warm up.

Watch your knees

Do not overextend them. Make sure that when you are bending your knees for exercises such as squats, your knees do not go past your toes; doing so will place extra pressure on them. Avoid lunges as they can add extra stress to the knee and exacerbate the pain. On the flip side, when you don’t have an injury or pre-existing condition, lunges are actually quite helpful in preventing knee pain.

Slow Down

Don’t push yourself outside of your comfort zone – literally. If you are uncomfortable and whatever activity you are engaging in is causing you more pain, stop. Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. Slow down your walking pace, especially if you are rushing to work. Allot yourself more time to transit to your final destination. This way, you don’t have to overextend your stride to walk faster to get to where you need to be.

Ensure you are wearing the proper shoes. If you’re wearing the same running shoes as you were a year ago, you are putting yourself at risk of injury. Depending on how hard you land your strides, your weight and the surfaces you run on, your running shoes should be replaced once they’ve hit a maximum of 500 miles – sooner if you land hard on your feet. If your shins are sore after a run or if you’re feeling pain in your knees, it could be time to swap them out and replace them for a new pair. Another good indicator? Look at the treads on the bottom of your shoes. If they look worn, they are worn.

Monitor your weight

Extra weight on your body will increase your risk of knee pain and place extra stress on your frame and joints. In fact, every pound of excess weight places approximately four pounds of extra pressure on your knees. Shedding even as little as ten pounds can make a difference in alleviating your pain.

If you are still experiencing knee pain after following the RICE method (rest, ice, massage and elevation), it is important to see a physician for a proper diagnosis. Call us at (646) 665-7109 to schedule an appointment today and get to the roof of your discomfort.

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Empire Physical Medicine & Pain Management
7 W 45th St floor 9,
New York, NY 10036
Phone: (646) 665-7109